Archives for posts with tag: happy


A hot chocolate, a book and some quiet at the Happy Cafe.
My hairdresser styled my hair completely differently. It looked hilariously 80’s during and then actually really cool at the end. I spent the rest of the day looking in the mirror.
Watching Jonny play Assassin’s Creed.


Singing Starman at the Sunday Assembly.
A cup of tea in a pub with Hannah.
Some dresses. Because why not.


Looking back through our travel blog. We had such an incredible time. And wrote some very funny blogs.
Walking through London in the sunshine, feeling happy and good and positive.
Jonny’s 10 point plan for the iced tea idea.


Wrapping up Christmas chocolates!
Just felt really happy today at work. Kept smiling for no reason and felt so positive.

take a smile

Today is World Smile Day. So take a smile.

Go on, there’s loads.

Image: Pumpkin Soup