Archives for posts with tag: friends

Leyla and I deciding to be friends. She made me a butterfly mask to keep.

Delicious cherries.

Singing the Maui song. You’re welcome!

Spending an evening with Jen and Fiona.

Hearing about the thigh dildo.

Remembering great places and things in New Zealand.

The graffiti with the goggly eyes.

When the sun came out at lunchtime and I could have a small break in the sun on the bench.

Sending Jen the things I value about her.

Made a coat!

Seeing Jana Charlie and Miro. Miro is very cute and smiley.

Cracking my back.

Someone I don’t know bought one of my bowls.

Chocolate and sofa and a cat nearby.

My massive courgette plants.

Friends again with Tash.

A friend date that turned into a date date.

A new bowl in 26 minutes.

An actual proper chat with Han and Jo over a LOT of chocolate.

A sunny walk around the water.

The tube driver that tooted the horn for the little boy waving on the platform. Absolutely adorable.

Finished dad’s present.

Started making an adorable penguin jumper for Fred.

Old friend chat on Zoom. Surprisingly fun!

Task Master.

A Good Egg Zoom chat.

Hard backed envelopes. The beginning of the new vulva enterprise.

Going for the walk when I wasn’t sure I wanted to but it was lovely. And I saw some golden hour graffiti.

Voice notes from Rosie and Jen and a WhatsApp call with the Fems plus one.

Little Ben is veggie!

We said I love you.

Baby Searle was born.

Just lots of Good Eggs lols. Including Doug’s nipples

Having some parents say thank you to us for being there outside their school.

More free sex toys. And it started off a fun conversation with Sean.

Laughing with Jo, Jonny and Corinne in the pub with the candles and takeaway pizza.

Charlie is now Steve.

Beetroot curry at Rasa.

Lovely presents from Rosie and Jana.

Squirter set.

I walked a lot today.

Max’s Sandwich Bar.

Buying the little vulva keyring and deciding to keep it for myself.

Jen. Lovely Jen. And her genital warts.

Reading in the pub before she arrived, with a wanky kombucha and barely anyone else around.

“Hole stapler”

The chihuahua with the tiny head and big lab body. And friends that send silly photos to cheer me up.

Having lunch on my own. Eating my bento lunchbox, wearing my silver top and reading.

Cooking and baking. Banana pancakes, oaty banana biscuits and broccoli cakes.

Walking along the River Lee, spotting two herons and eating blackberries.

My Vulva Gallery book arrived. It’s wonderful.

Dinner with Jonny and Dom, talking about drinking wee and living in caves.

Day three. Still so beautiful. The glacier, the meadows, the bright blue sky. The thousands upon thousands of butterflies.

Crossing the river by horse.

Nice guesthouse buddies! The Scottish couple and the Irish and Chinese couple.

Leorgie wedding with all the Eggs:

Doing a reading, and then being told all evening how great it was!

Dancing to the live band

The beautiful tipi

The big fire outside

Hugs with the fems

Wearing glittery socks

Their adorable speeches

Seeing them so happy together and watching their first dance

A hug

Walking in the woodsLols with some of the eggsFleabag. When she drops the award. When she stands up in the Quaker meeting.

After work drinks. I thought it might be shit but actually it was lovely. Chatted to Roger and Melissa and didn’t drink anything at all.

Fancy dinner to celebrate the wedding. Delicious delicious food. Totally worth not being vegan for.

The muscavado tart. Oh my god. So light.

Did the crow in yoga for the longest I’ve ever done it (still not long but still)

I was on TV. Talking about being raped. And my friends were just the loveliest about it all.

Just walking around, in the sun, at lunchtime feeling badass in my denim jacket.

The morning smoothie from Roger.

Saying nice things to my friends.

Texts. Finally. I know I shouldn’t be so dependant on it but that feels like a legit excuse and it feels like the date actually will happen tomorrow.

Scrambled tofu on toast for breakfast. With tomatoes and kale.

Vietnamese aubergine hotpot.

Dinner at Ed and Laura’s. Plus Laura’s brother. Who doesn’t eat fruit.

(Plus my new bag and print)

My birthday! Such a lovely day.

Waking up on my own, opening my presents and singing to music.

Brunch with Soph

Sweating in the spa

Using the ice bucket shower

Surprise Han at the pub

Lovely presents from lots of people

A bit group of friends that mixed well together

Singing happy birthday at Bonningtons

Double cake

Vulva cake

Watching the clouds whiz across the sky out the office window.

Pizza and quieter chats at Jana and Charlie’s.

Texting Stuart. I know I shouldn’t but it’s been nice to hear from him.

Christmas condoms (fair trade and vegan and hand delivered to my door)

An evening with Jen, Jo and Georgie, talking about sex and masterbation in the most open and lovely way possible. Whilst raising money for My Body Back Project. Double win.

Bought myself a new vibrator as an early birthday present

Brunch with Rosie. It was really lovely to see her.

Ice hockey. Even though they lost. As always.

Getting a bit carried away and thinking ahead. But I think I quite like him.

Telling Andrew I’m not coming back to the office

Tea and shortbread at Jo’s

Planning Egg Christmas with Jonny.

Plus Beard chat with home friends.

Penny’s here! My tiny friend for the weekend.

Lying on the grass at lunch time, wearing a jumper and jeans but still feeling the sun warm on my face.

Made a delicious dinner for friends and didn’t get stressed about it.