Archives for posts with tag: cycle

Period! And without all the usual hormones and pain. Very bizarre. But right on time. Can’t believe it’s finally settled into a pattern.

Still walking to work with a smile on my face. Especially over that bridge in the sun. I think I might be my favourite view in London. Can’t believe I’m enjoying working with children so much.

Watched The Martian with Matt and Scarlett. Can’t believe I liked another film.


This ridiculously good looking vegetarian pie that my little cousin made.
An intercourse game.
A bike ride with my cousin.


The pure, clear water of the Kai Iwi Lake glittering in the sun as we cycled around it and picnicked next to it.
Going on a guided night walk and setting a wild kiwi! A big mama kiwi.
The instant excited little hug I got from him when we spotted the kiwi.