Archives for posts with tag: female

Panda lamp 😂

Pho for lunch

The launch of Womenhood. The book that has my vulva and my story in it. I loved seeing Liv’s mum talking, hearing the cunt poems and being part of something quite great.

The Female Persuasion. I read over half the book today and finished it. So good.

Cross legged Freddie in the bath.

An almost sunny day when it was supposed to rain a lot. I got to be outside, listening to new music. And discovering an song that I really needed: My Name Isn’t

Going to the gym and walking home in the sunny winter day.

Talking to Stuart. He’s very sweet. And he sent me a brilliant feminist poem about vaginas. Which reminded me of one of my favourite quotes – Our foremothers were farmers, warriors, builders and weavers. They had wrinkles and pubic hair and opinions.

Japanese dinner with Will. A really lovely evening. He’s still very much got a place in my heart.

Period! And without all the usual hormones and pain. Very bizarre. But right on time. Can’t believe it’s finally settled into a pattern.

Still walking to work with a smile on my face. Especially over that bridge in the sun. I think I might be my favourite view in London. Can’t believe I’m enjoying working with children so much.

Watched The Martian with Matt and Scarlett. Can’t believe I liked another film.

My period started. Well that sure explains a lot. 

An evening with Jonny. Beers and Korean food. And bitching. I love him. I love him so much.

I’n on holiday! And the air smelt like holiday!