Archives for posts with tag: rain

When my afternoon session of coaching was cancelled.

Hearing the heavy rain crash down.

Leaving early, as the skies were blue, to go home and sew baby seals for Ro.

The park was so calm and quiet this morning. It was like walking through rain and you could hear the drips falling from the leaves, disturbed by the squirrels. I didn’t want to do the walk but actually it turned out to be a lovely thing. Plus Arthur turned up!

Out of office is on. Work phone is off. No more work until 13th.

Silly tiktoks and reels. The last one was a guy slipping all over the place in the mud and it really tickled me.

Listening to the rain. As I meditated in the morning and during the day.

A tricky wordle in three.

Barry answering the phone ‘well if it isn’t the Yammer of the month’

Cancelling PW.

A lovely volunteer afternoon in the brambles

Luxurious wank.

The epic rain and thunder storm. I’ve not seen so much lightning in years!

A moment of excitement for autumn.

A hug from Merium. I’m excited about the events we might hold together.

Making a delicious dinner that was a bit different and healthy.

Picking the dried Honesty. It’s so pretty. And it’s nice to walk the streets with a big bunch of flowers.

The smell of the earth after it rained.

Rain. It finally rained. It sounded and smelled so good.

Finding the drawing of the penis in the leaflets. Teenagers are weird.

Leftover korma for lunch. Why is it so delicious?

The little fairy pond in the tree.

The reflections of the trees in the puddles.

Driving and singing as loud as I want to.

Beautiful dramatic rain clouds, fading into the blue sky.

Getting a handful of great books from the library and walking away feeling really grateful for the friendly guy on the desk and a backpack full of books.

Dinner with Georgie. Being listened to. And validated.

Water droplets.

Going to buy chocolate.

Jo being happy about the flowers and the bananas.

Accidentally picking exactly the wrong time for a little walk and running back through the woods to the office. Nothing like a little wet run to wake you up!

Keith’s leaving party. It was really nice to see everyone. And eat chips.

Hearing Jo’s voice. Even if I wished she was telling me something different.

People who don’t know how to answer Hinge questions.

General excitement at work about moving tomorrow.

Watching the heavy rain from inside.

Wet leaves on the way to work.

Meeting Miro and feeling much more comfortable with moving a baby around.

When Jo popped into work with Sarah and the kids.

Listening to the rain.

Sarah and Aster got the dungarees I made them.

Jacquie said thanks for remembering her diagnosis. I’m really glad I said something.

Dosing in bed at 7am, listening to the rain fall and the Fish podcast

Getting my litter picker. And being called a Litter Picker Nerd.

My not so brainy letters and cards to Sue

Wishing it would rain so I could watch it out and window. And then it did!

Daisy May Cooper trying to make a quiet cocktail on Task Master.

Starting the cute little finger puppets for Fred.

A walk in the rain.

The robin outside my window.

An email from Mark about Lewes.

The beautiful tree exhibition at the Hayward Gallery.

A delicious Japanese lunch on my own.

Yoga nidra, home alone and listening to the rain

Thunder and lightening.

I made a bra!

Being inside as the rain fell so heavily.

Reading on the sofa as the rain fell heavily outside.Apple pie and custard. Before the mould.Home alone and an early night.

Listening to the rain fall outside my window.

The Scottish poems that James sent me.

Gav’s kid falling into the mud.

Adam getting a Drive Now car and driving me home because it was raining too damn hard.

I’m going on holiday in a few days time! Goodbye shitty rainy June weather!

Yoga in the living room. Green tea. Dark chocolate. And a whole evening of reading my book.

Using my delicious Christmas moisturiser again. I forgot how lovely it smelt.

Japanese cheesecake from Adam.

Deciding to walk home in the rain. Watching it bounce off the pavement and catch the light.

Watching the rain fall.

Getting a lovely comment from someone who appreciates all the vulvas and has found it helpful for their life. That’s always so amazing.

The blossom tree outside the office. It’s beautiful. And it’s been raining pink blossom down and up and all over.


The woman who shouted ‘OH MY GOD’ as she stepped off the train into the torrential rain. I full on loled.
My aunt maybe offering me a flat deposit…
The spider incident. I hope to God it went out the window.


The thunder and lightning storm in the afternoon with rain that made everything smell like hot, wet summers.
The smell of towels that have dried in the sun.
Fish fingers.


A nice email from James telling me he’s as overwhelmed as I am at work.
Rachel muttering swear words at her computer.
Trapping umbrellas with a stranger. They didn’t find it as amusing as me though.


Lying in bed listening to the rain.
Not having to go to work and getting to stay home and make a top instead.
Buying all the reduced treats from the Co Op.


Getting to try my new coat (which is slightly waterproof) on a cold and rainy morning. Perfect timing, coat.
Big bits of brownie edges too nibble on at work.
A big group of people came into the deli for food and the three of us immediately started working perfectly together to get everything done. After a quiet, quite stressful morning it was good to all be on the same team again. Plus it was exciting to serve a big group.


Driving to Milford Sounds in the rain and seeing all the hundreds and hundreds of waterfalls because of all the bad weather.
Standing at the front of the boat as it sailed into a waterfall, playing ‘raindrops keep falling on my head’. It was incredible!
Having the guide get excited about all the birds and waterfalls we saw on the Milford boat trip. Apparently it was more than he’s ever seen and the rain (with a few patches of blue sky) made the Sounds way more beautiful than if we’d come on a dry day. And to think we were all so sad about waking up to the patter of rain on the campervan roof.