Archives for posts with tag: van

Pruning trees at PW. I like sawing down trees.

Driving the new electric van for the first time. It’s so smooth!

Choir. Singing You Will Be Found.

Driving and singing in the van.

Packing up all the period products.

Rice pudding.

Driving the van and singing.

New shoes!

Reading in the meadow at lunchtime.

Moving the van. It was just nice for the extremely extremely brief drive in the sun.

Tasty ice cream sandwiches at Tonkotsu with Tash.

My new Scandinavian joke.

Finished all the lanterns and decorated one of them. Finally ready!

Singing and driving the van.

I don’t have covid!

Cycling back from PW and accidentally bouncing my water bottle out the basket

Breakfast with Jonny.

Driving the van. With Jonny. And talking about him moving in with me. Or at least moving north.

The beautiful sunny weather. I love London in the sun. 

A ride in the rickety van to Bristol.
A walk over Clifton Suspension Bridge, through Deer Park followed by delicious Turkish food at SouKitchen. 

Got my period!


Getting a comfy bra. And finding it was  ridiculously cheap so buying another one.
The car passed its WoF! It only needed a little job done on the door which a man with a crow bar fixed for us for free. Hurrah!
Delicious Indian food for dinner. Plus it was nice to be out the rain.


Packing everything into our van ready for tomorrow. It’s so exciting!
Working out how to pump up our tyres.
Doing the sleep meditation podcast together. Shuffling into position and deep breaths.


Making up our bed in the van for the first time.
‘Freash bread’ in the Love/Hate game.
The rocking unicorn dressed up as Rudolf.


We booked our flights home. Well almost home. To Amsterdam.
Packing up the van in the evening, with that fading light that reminds me of packing cars up for holidays. I can’t believe we’re going to live in it.
The Mindy Project. I need to start watching this properly.


He came home early from work! We got a whole evening together.
We put lots of stuff in the van. Its becoming a real little home!
Sue, a regular customer, coming in and telling us how she had just shouted at a rude bus driver and told him ‘I don’t care if you think you have a big penis, stop acting like a dickhead!’


My housemate bought me Nutella. I LOVE Nutella.
Showing Miranda our van. It’s nice to see it through someone else’s eyes.
The smell of sun tan lotion, the heat, the sandals. Summer.


Sitting in our van after work, reading in the sun.
My drunk housemate accidentally farting. Tried so hard to not laugh out loud and embarrass him.
Then laughing about it with him later on.


Put the cushions in the van. It’s so almost ready!
Cooked something new for dinner. And it was pretty yummy.
My mum bunting I’m making for her 60th.


He finished our beautiful black and white tiled kitchen in our van. I love it so much. Is there anything better than black and white tiles?
The ridiculous wind at the market this morning.
Trying to carry him to bed and hearing him giggle like a maniac.


‘Apple and…sum…ahh…fruits’
Our ridiculous (in a good way) housemate dressing up for the trick or treating kids. She’s even in a different outfit than the one she’s wearing to the Halloween party tomorrow.
Coming home to find my brilliant and very tired boyfriend working hard on the campervan and wearing pink marigolds. What a superstar.


The van is so almost finished and it looks amazing. I can’t wait for it to be done.
A cute mini video of our nephew and his new haircut.
Going somewhere new for lunch.


An evening of camper work. Most of the wood work is done and the futon cushions are almost done.
Skyping the nephew. He had a cool badger jumper on.
A surprise cup of tea.


The sun on my neck, feeling positively warm.
Cleaning the van after work. Clean clean clean.
Playing Resistance Avalon. And not insisting that I’m not a spy. A good way to confuse people.


Driving the van for the first time. Scary but exciting.
Miranda was back from holiday. It was a full team at work again and lots of giggling occurred.
Planning our van to camper conversion.


We bought a van!
The huge red butterfly at the market.
Another beautiful warm, sunny and wind free day. We sat by the seafront after buying our veg to enjoy the weather and drink a delicious organic juice squeezed by a man at the market.