Archives for posts with tag: date

Han suggesting a date tomorrow night. We’re going to eat bugs 😬

Sitting in the sun on the bench at lunch time. So beautiful.

Texting Corinne and Jonny about Blown Away. They are all such irritating people.

A day with Date Hannah. And some kissing.

My birthday flowers are still looking beautiful.

Singing to Christmas carols. Again. No crying this time.

Finishing the vulva booklet. I’m really proud of it!

Hannah brought round a tupperware of food and jelly and a plant. 🥹

Lots of hours of chatting. And being told I’m very funny and good with words.

Getting home.

Tea in a pub with date Hannah.

Salmon for dinner.

Lots of lols with all the colleagues today.

A cute teepee with fairy lights on the south bank.

I left a date when I wanted to! I’ve literally never done this before!

The last two goals at the ice hockey match.

Talking about farting and pooing with Hannah on the date.

A nap in the day.

A laughter filled first date with Hannah.

Finally made another Insta post.

Dinner cereals.

Seeing SO MANY bats on the bat walk!

The beautiful moon rising up pink and orange through the clouds.

Got asked out by Dani.

Chucking the squirrel a tomato at lunchtime.

The cute boy and his very neat colouring in.

Meeting Wendy. She’s funny.

Fancy bread for breakfast

A beautiful sunny day for a walk along the Thames and the regent’s canal.

B J Wood and Son. An unfortunate name.

The waving crabs on The Mating Game, with their silly big yellow claw.

All the orders of vulvas! (And packing the up listening to the Mama Mia soundtrack)

Jen and Fiona coming to FP to give me lunch and cuddles. I’m so grateful to have them.

PLUS a fun date with a couple.

Two new, young volunteers. And everyone working together in one little area. It felt like a happy little group this afternoon.

Being interviewed for the HuffPost.

A date with Aoife at Itto. Lots of lols and a cute jasmine tea.

Penis plant chat with Sally and Syd.

Doing the guided walk and it went really well.

The theatre show in the Hope, with a hand between my legs.

More lovely lols with the Fems Plus One, but with a roast.

Knowing we can all talk about poo together with no weirdness.

A really nice date with Phil. Also the Brave Sir Robin is lovely.

Visiting the Wetlands for the first time. And on such a lovely sunny day. It’s so beautiful!

Little holes in my cucumber.

A bus stop kiss.

Breakfast with Tash – a very flaky croissant.

Fresh lemon drizzle cake.

A voucher for a free deodorant case from Greg. For the exact deodorant I use but don’t have a case for.

Kissing on the corner.

The cute wine bar that I didn’t know existed.

Talking about poo with Tash.

Being in central London with Jo.

Paperchase. The big one.

A date at Tash’s house. Grand Designs and food and first kisses.

A picnic date in the park with Lisa.

Another nap, in the afternoon twinkling sunlight.

A text from Sean, just as I was about to text him.

Mint tea with James. And lots of texting too.

Getting rid of the survey for the canal project. I hated it and I was totally stuck on it.

Meeting and planning with Hani for s vulva exhibition.

I saw James again.

Meeting the Gynae Geek and being on her Instagram.

My period started. Way early. And pretty timely, coming home from. Period event.

I won a vibrator! Well, two. One for me and one for Han.

Beers and Vietnamese food with Jonny and Jo. Exactly what I needed.

Jonny went on a date and did lots of PDA and I’m really happy for him.

Lunch lying in the swaying grass.

Team Muji trip. Bought two pillowcases.

James date.

Last day at work before two weeks off! There’s nothing better than bragging about holidays.

“See. We’re made for each other.”

Drinks at Shep’s, food at Mildred’s and sex at mine.

Cheering on Jonny at the Hackney Half. So glad I saw him.

A fun date with James. Lots of laughing.

Walking home with a beautiful sky and good music.

Mad crazy golf

That flirty bumping into each other, brushing arms walk. Even though he’s not the one.

Selling out tickets for the Period Party

A lie in. I slept till 9 and it was wonderful.

A lovely walk around regent’s park and seeing Primrose Hill for the first time.

Period. End of Sentence. So uplifting. We are the creators of the universe.

Quiet coffee with Becky during work hours

The adorable fluffy dog outside the school. Before the scruffy dog ran away….

A sober date with the hottest man I’ve ever dated.

Recording a podcast.

Dog friend on the tube

Ping pong with Nat

Stuart finishing work early and coming to meet me. We went for ice cream and ate it in the park and it was so lovely.

A relaxing evening doing the jigsaw puzzle together and listening to the radio.

Decorating biscuits for Adam’s birthday together.