Archives for posts with tag: Sunday

A lovely lazy day together. Podcasts, cutting out felt, masters work, reading.

Carving pumpkins.

Dinner with Sophie at Mildred’s.

What felt like a full yoga session.

Doing exactly what I wanted, which was not a lot.

A couple of tiktoks.

Baby whisperer. Cuddling Bay until he fell asleep.

Lunch with Jonny in Soho. A sharing platter and a good mood Jonny.

An afternoon reading on my bed with a dog nearby that occasionally came and licked me.

Reading in bed in the late morning with a fleece on.

The pink sunset.

Stroking the hairdresser’s dog.

Cuddles with Noah as I babysat him.

Jo having such a lovely day with Benoit. I’m so glad – she really deserves it!

Beautiful clouds in the evening again.

Autumn trees.

Chocolate biscuits.

Task Master.

Wandering around Stoke Newington with Corinne and Hannah, looking in cute shops.

Hearing then both say how ridiculous the massaging was.

Second date with Sean. Making out on street corners and chats about gender and sexually and sex.

A bird tweeting as I meditated and the squirrel that ran and jumped up the fence on my way to work.

The clouds, again, but with a better photo today.

Creating my ‘This is your…’ series. It feels exciting to be doing something a bit different.

Roasted green tea and fig jam.

A walk,a mug of tea and a vegan ginger cake with Jo. Plus the beautiful skies on the way home.

Selling lots of vulvas. It’s exciting!

Organic fairtrade bananas without the plastic bag! Dilemma over.

I finished my dungarees!

Two half pints in the pub with Jonny after swerving on the busy new bar opening.

Reading in bed, by the window with the newly leafy tree outside.

Cooking cooking cooking all day. I made so many new things and today!

Looking up stuff to do in Georgia. Including a stay in a fancy spa with its our aquarium?

A day by myself. Reading loads of my big heavy book on the sofa.

Finishing my silver top for the wedding.

Cooking three new recipes.

Yoga. Plant pruning. Sunny walk.

Went to celebrate Rochelle’s first birthday of Luna Spot. She was so happy to see us and her stuff was beautiful. Well worth making the effort to go out into the wind.

A sofa afternoon. Sewing Bee. RuPaul. Watching Jonny play games.

Cutting my hair and having a shower before bed. It’s so relaxing.

Light on my living room wall

Lots of walking around the neighborhood in the bright blue sunlight, snuggled up in my coat and scarf, looking at beautiful houses. I can’t describe how lovely it felt to be outside and be walking. It made my heart feel light and fast.

When she postponed the date and I got my Sunday evening back. And taught myself how to darn

Making a baby blanket and listening to a podcast.

Crackers from my childhood. I forgot how delicious they are.

Grand Designs. We live Kev.

The ladies pond. Oh it was so lovely. Swimming next to ducklings and with herons swooping along next to us. Getting over my fear. Being in a women only space. Sunbathing with my boobs out. It was perfect.

Sunbathing in the park with Jonny followed by showing him the delicious organic shop. And just spending time with him like normal.

Doing the puzzle and listening to the radio with Jonny in the evening. Everything felt relaxed and lovely. Exactly how a Sunday should feel. Even if Claudia didn’t read out our boring message.

Cleaning the bathroom. Hello clean plughole.

Buttery jacket potatoes at lunch.

Bivan’s new house and finishing the pollution game

Having an iced coffee in the sun outside the new (to us) coffee place near our new house.

Walking slowly round Paks, looking at everything and not feeling rushed.

Lying in the park, reading in the sun on my own. It’s been a really relaxing quiet day.

Spent seven hours watching Grace and Frankie in the living room with Matt. And then the other housemates. 

Had a roast cooked for me for dinner.

And got warm, freshly baked banana bread afterwards. Good Sunday. 

Matt cooking me eggs for a hungover breakfast.

Matt cooking us a roast for a still slightly hungover Sunday dinner.

Gusty having his baby!

My breakfast. A smashed egg on sourdough. 

A nut roast, cooked by my housemates.


Cutting the grass.

Decaf iced coffee in the sun at Blighty, reading my book.

Beautiful clouds.

Did a bit more carving on my bowl. It’s smoother now. And I finally got to use a curved knife.

Set up OKCupid. And currently don’t feel bad about any of it.

Made a great soup. Yes to Sunday cooking.  

My strangely patterned avocados.

A quiet haircut, whilst it rained outside.

Discovering Bridget Jones’s Diary in the house. I’ve been wanting to watch this for weeks! Enjoyed with two slices of warm banana bread, smothered in Malteaser spread. Happy Sunday!

My new plant. A birthday present from Jonny. 

A Very British Brothel at Godfrey.

A wander around Finsbury Park, slowly buying organic vegetables and having another relaxing morning. I’m getting good at this. 

Sunday baking.

Organising my birthday. Maybe I do like birthdays afterall. 

The cricket and the glass frog on Planet Earth II

A day with Hannah, eating our way from place to place.An evening on the Southbank. Exactly what I needed. Beer and burgers. 

Alec making me lol again.


A day with Jonny. Stressfields, corduroy and an M&S roast chicken
Making myself go swimming and then feeling really good about it.
High kicks on video.

Playing a silly Sunday morning game in bed

The huge library exhibition at the White Cube Gallery that looked like how you imagined library’s to look when you were a kid.

Giggles and hot drinks with two friends I haven’t seen in a while.

Image: White Cube Gallery